This page is primarily intended for frames capable browsers, in which the following is usually read only by spiders and bots: overview: Proactively bridging the gap between the digital arts (computers, circuits, networks, systems) and patent law for corporations and their inside and outside IP counsel, (866)467-6484. See also and technical keywords: microprocessor design, branch prediction, Intel, NexGen, Nx586, K6, x86, IC, integrated circuit, VLSI, logic design, microarchitecture, microcode, Electrical Engineer legal keywords: patent agent, office, PTO, provisional application, prior-art search, invalidity, novelty, claim drafting, litigation, expert witness, consultant, intellectual property, IP, law, opinion letter, infringement, business method, software, license, licensing agreement, trade secret, confidential disclosure, CDA, NDA Location keywords: Palo Alto (formerly), California, Silicon Valley, Santa Clara county, San Francisco Bay